
发布日期:2023-10-21    浏览次数:65

第三章 施工总体安排

3.5 施工顺序及队伍安排 3.5.5. 施工协调管理(一)工序间的协调配合


2、构建上工序时,必须考虑并满足下工序的要求。 上道工序不合格的,不得转入下道工序。 上工序完成并转入下工序之前,应对上工序进行质量检验。 若不合格,应修复至符合要求后方可进行下一道工序。



2、设备安装需要预留的洞口和墙壁,应按照安装方案的要求预留,待设备就位后再封闭; 电气、管道安装需要预留的孔位应按设计要求预留;



1 由于管道、电气、仪表等安装均与设备安装相关,设备安装应严格按进度表进行安装,为管道、电气、仪表等专业打造安装工作面;

2、本工程的安装施工应以设备安装为主导,为后续电气、仪表、管道等专业提供工作台面。 各专业必须相互配合,根据工艺要求和现场实际情况,进行交叉作业、流水作业。









第一章 施工总体安排 一、施工期




3. 项目组织结构 3.1. 项目管理部

为确保本项目施工任务优质、高效、安全、文明完成,将专门成立项目管理部门,实行项目法管理。 公司将选拔具有一级建造师资质的优秀项目经理担任本项目的项目经理。 项目经理负责本项目实施过程中的组织、指挥、管理、协调和控制,并代表企业法人全面履行合同。

我们本着科学管理、精干高效、结构合理的原则,选拔精干、务实的专业技术人员和管理人员,组建项目管理团队。 管理层由项目经理、项目秘书、项目副经理、项目总工程师组成。 下设工程技术部、质量监督部、安全环保部、材料设备部、经营财务部、实验室和综合办公室五部两室。 各部门在项目经理的领导下,重点抓质量、工期、安全、成本等工作。 以中心为中心,开展高效工作。

根据本项目的特点和专业划分,施工现场共有9个施工队:桩基队、土方队、土建1队、土建2队、钢结构队、防腐保温队、机械安装队队、管道施工队、电气仪表队。 各施工队按照施工任务分工组织施工队伍。 各建设单位按照不同专业、子项目形成交叉建设项目,相互配合,组织流水作业。

项目管理部组织架构如图3.1.1所示。。 项目经理部岗位职责



3、严格遵守二级公司规章制度,组织制定和实施项目部各项管理制度。 如果项目经理是党员,支部书记不在现场时,负责项目部的党务和政治工作。


5、负责组织工程计量、竣工结算及工程付款; 加强施工队伍和供应商管理,及时办理劳务人员和供应商预结算。






图 3.

1.1 项目部组织结构图

1.1.1. 项目秘书职责

1、协助项目经理履行合同。 项目经理不在现场时,负责项目部的日常工作。


3、负责落实家庭管理、“五同”管理、厂务公开等管理制度,了解和了解职工及施工队伍的思想、工作、学习、生活状况,并牵头组织员工教育和培训。 团结带领广大党员围绕施工生产开展争当先锋活动,为安全、优质、高效完成本项目施工任务提供了可靠保障。

4、负责项目后勤管理,严格考勤制度。 负责推进企业文化建设,建立项目通讯员队伍,及时报道项目生产经营情况、先进人物和典型事迹。

5、具体组织项目部绩效考核工作,监督员工工资按时发放。 协助项目经理监督施工队农民工工资的支付。




1.1.2. 项目总工程师职责

1、在项目经理的领导下,全面负责项目施工、技术、质量、检测、计量等施工技术管理工作。 执行相关法律、法规、规范和验收标准,落实技术责任制度。



4、负责项目子项目的评审和划分,组织隐蔽工程、基坑检查及子项目验收; 负责图纸联合评审、设计优化及变更、现场签证、合理化建议等。


6、负责技术资料的收集、整理和归档。 组织拟报竣工验收的项目,审核并下发竣工文件,负责竣工文件的组织和移交。 编制工程技术总结报告。




1.1.3. 项目生产副经理的职责

1、执行二级公司各项管理规定。 在项目经理的领导下,根据施工图纸、施工规范和标准,进行项目前期策划、施工组织设计、运行设计、安全预案、技术说明等技术文件,以及定制化组织项目施工和安全生产按照管理部门的相关要求。






7、负责A方供应物资的验收、储存组织管理; 负责自购材料的合同审核和质量目标控制。



1.1.4. 项目运营副经理职责



3、牵头组织项目业务活动分析,组织月度盘点。 对比分析实际使用量、预算量、投标量,及时真实反映项目运行情况,提出成本控制措施。





8、负责各类原始数据的收集、整理和存储。 编制竣工结算计划,组织相关人员办理竣工结算,编制竣工结算报告和作业工作总结。

1.1.5。 工程技术部职责





5、主导定制方案的具体实施,深化施工图设计钢结构施工组织设计概述,深化施工方案,及时进行数据统计和总结; 负责设计变更、隐蔽验收、施工措施、索赔材料及合理化建议的签证和合理化。



8.参与项目盘点和业务活动分析。 根据项目部分工,下达施工任务单,并对下达任务单的真实性、准确性负责。

9、做好内部详细工作,及时编制施工日志,参与现场实物的交付和验收,收集、整理和保存各工号的技术资料,并负责完成资料的准备和移交。 及时提交相关报告和信息。

10、在项目工程师的领导下,负责编制施工大纲钢结构施工组织设计概述,并判断施工大纲是否符合项目实际需要。 对现场施工活动实行全面、全过程动态管理。 在运营过程中实施施工指导,组织各工序的衔接和交接,确保工序管理的顺利实施。

11、具体负责工程项目的技术管理,负责子项目、分部、单位项目的中间交接检查和评估。 对不合格产品行使质量否决权。 监督检查施工质量,确保整个工程的施工质量。

1.1.6。 质监部门职责



3、参与施工图联合评审,行使质量否决权。 强化过程质量管理,坚持“三检”制度。 禁止随意更改施工图纸、使用不合格材料、不按规范施工的行为。 协助工程技术人员处理质量问题(事故),提出处罚意见,并监督实施。



6、负责施工全过程的质量控制,对不合格产品行使质量否决权。 监督检查施工质量,确保整个工程的施工质量。

1.1.7。 安全环保部职责



3、开展安全生产检查,处理施工过程中的安全隐患,杜绝“违规指挥、违规作业、违反劳动纪律”行为。 协助项目总工程师、工程部处理安全事故,提出处罚意见,并督促落实。



6、监督防护用品和防寒防寒物资的发放。 监督安全文明生产成本投入情况,及时报送相关报告,协助组织报送竣工材料。

1.1.8。 物资设备部职责

1、在项目经理的领导下,负责项目部材料设备的规划、采购、仓储、租赁、调配、维修、保养、核算和现场监控,并负责结算A 提供(A 控制)的材料。

2、编制项目部材料设备采购计划。 参与公司材料、设备的招标采购,负责项目部地面材料、零星材料的招标(比价)采购,做到及时供应、配额储备、减少库存、降低消耗。

3、配合工程部、运营部进行工程造价分析及材料设备结算。 每月进行盘点,对材料、设备的实际使用情况与预算金额进行对比分析,及时提供材料、设备的消耗信息,确保成本分析、成本核算真实、准确。

4、按照定制化项目管理要求实施配额配料。 监督管理建筑材料、工程材料和施工设备的使用和消耗。

5、负责物资、设备购(租赁)合同的制定和管理。 按照批准的资金计划办理材料、设备的支付,并及时计算材料、设备的租赁费用。


7、配合材料报检,及时收集、整理、移交材料证明等相关材料。 建立物资设备台账,收集整理验收、交付、使用过程中的业务凭证,及时报送各类报表。 做好数据统计和汇总工作。

8、加强材料、设备的质量管理,不允许不合格材料在仓库存放。 加强设备管理,提高设备完好率和使用率,防止设备带病运行。


1.1.9。 运营财务部职责


2、配合定制方案具体实施,注重消费量化。 及时对运行数据进行统计分析并向主管部门报告。



5、根据项目分工,负责编制工程物资准备计划,审核工程物资需求计划。 按时办理中间计量、生产队计件工资及各种材料设备费用的结算。

6、负责编制《项目合同收入、成本及毛利表》。 根据项目生产经营情况,每季度对《项目合同收入、成本及毛利表》进行分析调整。

7、收集整理各种原材料并提交相关报告。 协助运营经理准备竣工结算报告,配合财务部归集项目资金。





1.1.10. 实验室职责





1.1.11. 办公厅职责



3. Responsible for the procurement and management of logistics supplies, establishing management ledgers, ensuring consistency of accounts and materials, and reporting various report materials on time.

1.1. Project management department management staffing plan

Project management department management staffing:

1.1. Construction sequence and team arrangement 1.1.1. 一般原则

In terms of overall arrangement, based on the construction experience of similar projects undertaken by our company, after the construction drawings are issued, practical construction organization measures will be prepared according to the specific conditions of the project to ensure the completion of various goals of this project.

General principles to be followed during construction:

1. The project is based on the principle of first underground then above ground, first main body then decoration, first civil construction then installation, and fully considers the engineering characteristics of LONGi's second-hand steel structure robot and intelligent equipment production base housing construction projects, carefully organizes, flexibly schedules, and optimizes the process. Arrange and organize the construction of each sub-project to ensure completion on schedule;

2. The construction of the project should focus on key engineering lines, rationally divide and segment them, adopt scientific and advanced construction technology and management methods, invest sufficient labor force, construction machinery and tools to organize parallel construction and flow operations, so as to ensure the construction period and quality, and make the entire project The construction is balanced and reasonable. Labor force planning, machinery and equipment investment planning.

1.1.2. Construction zoning

Taking into account the requirements for construction organization management, resource investment and subsequent handover of major equipment installation, the project is divided into two construction areas. Parallel flow operations are organized between each construction area, and sufficient labor and mechanical equipment are invested in each construction area. , turnover materials, concrete pumping and pouring in each construction area should be staggered appropriately.

1. The first construction area: 1# workshop and 2# workshop.

2 The second construction area: 3# workshop and ancillary buildings.

3. Other supporting auxiliary systems and supporting sub-items are used as adjustment work surfaces.

1.1.3. Division of construction tasks

All construction labor personnel participating in this project are uniformly deployed by the company and assigned to each unit's project according to the actual needs of each unit's project. In order to facilitate construction management, according to the actual situation and construction period requirements of this project, during the construction of this project, 9 construction teams will be set up at the construction site , which are pile foundation construction team, earthwork construction team, civil construction team one, civil construction team two, steel structure construction team, anti-corrosion insulation construction team, mechanical installation team, pipeline installation team, and electrical instrument installation team; build a self-built concrete The mixing station, a steel bar processing workshop, and a woodworking processing workshop; civil steel structures, non-standard equipment and steel process structures are considered to be processed and manufactured by professional structural processing units in Hangzhou, and professional technicians are arranged to be stationed in the factory to supervise the production. The finished products are finally transported by railway or highway Transport to construction site. According to the actual situation on site, consider partially processing and manufacturing on site. Each construction team organizes facilities work teams according to the construction task conditions. All professional operators are uniformly deployed by the management department and are relatively fixed. They can be adjusted appropriately according to the actual situation of the project. The construction tasks of each engineering team are arranged as follows:

According to the specific conditions and progress requirements of the project, the project tasks of each construction team are divided as follows:

Pile foundation construction team: responsible for the foundation treatment of all engineering projects of this project;

Earthwork construction team: Responsible for earthwork excavation and backfilling of all engineering projects of this project, and responsible for the construction and maintenance of temporary roads on site;

Civil Engineering Team 1: Responsible for all civil engineering tasks of the 1# and 2# workshop systems;

Civil Engineering Team 2: Responsible for all civil engineering tasks of the 3# workshop system and other auxiliary engineering civil engineering tasks;

Steel structure team: Responsible for all steel structure installation, sporadic steel structure processing and manufacturing, steel structure painting, etc.;

Anti-corrosion and insulation team: Responsible for basic anti-corrosion work below 0 meters on site, roof waterproofing, and installation of color plate walls and roofs;

Mechanical installation team: Responsible for the installation and debugging of mechanical equipment and non-standard equipment for this project;

Pipeline installation team: Responsible for the installation and debugging of various process pipelines within the scope of this project;

Electrical instrumentation installation team: responsible for the installation and debugging of electrical and instrumentation within the scope of this project;

Concrete mixing station: Responsible for concrete mixing, transportation and other tasks in the mixing station of this project;

Steel bar processing workshop: responsible for the processing of all steel bars in this project;

Professional structure factory: responsible for manufacturing part of the steel structure and non-standard equipment of this project.

1.1.4. Overall construction deployment

1 The construction of this project is mainly divided into five phases, namely, the first phase is foundation treatment, earthworks, factory foundation and large equipment foundation construction, steel structure and non-standard equipment manufacturing; the second phase is the construction of the main structure of the factory, enclosure Structural construction and rough decoration construction; the third stage is the installation and commissioning of process equipment and non-standard equipment, electrical instruments and pipelines; the fourth stage is anti-corrosion engineering construction and fine decoration engineering construction; the fifth stage is commissioning and commissioning and final delivery;

2 This project focuses on the civil engineering and installation construction of the workshop. It first organizes the construction of the factory building foundation, large equipment foundation and underground structure construction below ±0, then carries out the construction and installation of the main structure of the factory, and then carries out the roof, enclosure structure and The installation of steel platform is interspersed with the construction of equipment foundation and concrete platform;

3. After the construction of the main structure of the factory is completed, while installing the main equipment, the installation of other general equipment and the enclosure, closure, decoration and decoration of the factory building will be carried out, and finally the single test run and linkage test run of each equipment will be carried out;

4. The civil engineering and installation work in the workshop is organized as the second echelon of construction. Other sub-items can be interspersed with construction according to the actual situation on site, but the construction period of the individual equipment debugging must be ensured and will not affect the total construction period;

5 Civil steel structures, non-standard equipment and steel process structures should be processed and manufactured by professional structural processing units in Hangzhou, and professional technicians will be arranged to supervise the production. The finished products will eventually be transported to the construction site by rail or highway. According to the actual situation on site, consider partially processing and manufacturing on site;

6. Build a self-built mixing station on site, and configure corresponding concrete transport tankers and concrete pouring pump trucks to supply the concrete construction work of this project; due to the tight schedule of this project and the large amount of concrete, the use of commercial products will be considered based on the actual situation in the early stage or during the construction. concrete;

7. Build a self-built laboratory on site and equip it with corresponding testing personnel and equipment to ensure the smooth progress of sampling and inspection work at the construction site;

8. The equipment in the workshop is given priority to be hoisted by the crane in the workshop. For equipment that cannot be hoisted by the crane in the workshop, a crane will be equipped for hoisting;

9. The installation of pipelines and electrical instruments is interspersed with the installation of equipment;

10 Organize properly to ensure that the water supply and drainage system of this project is completed before the pressure test and flushing of the industrial water system and the no-load test run of the individual equipment, and that the facilities are complete and the inspection is qualified.

1.1.5。 Construction coordination and management Coordination between processes

1. The construction coordination of each process must be fully considered when preparing plans and work instructions, and the quality of each process must be strictly controlled;

2. When constructing the upper process, the requirements of the next process must be considered and met. If the upper process is unqualified, it shall not be transferred to the next process. Before the upper process is completed and transferred to the next process, the upper process should undergo a quality inspection. If If it is unqualified, it should be repaired until it meets the requirements before proceeding to the next process.。 Coordination of civil construction and equipment installation

1. For civil construction, the factory foundation and equipment foundation construction must be carried out first, so that the factory structure construction and main equipment installation can be submitted as early as possible;

2. The holes and walls that need to be reserved for equipment installation should be reserved according to the requirements of the installation plan, and then closed after the equipment is in place; the holes that need to be reserved for electrical and pipeline installation should be reserved according to the design requirements;

3. For equipment that is large, has a long installation period, and is difficult to install, foundation construction should be carried out first to provide a working surface for equipment installation.。 Coordination of equipment installation and pipeline, electrical and instrument installation

1 Since the installation of pipelines, electrical, instrumentation, etc. are all related to equipment installation, the equipment installation should be installed strictly according to the schedule to create an installation working surface for pipelines, electrical, instrumentation and other majors;

2. The installation and construction of this project should be led by equipment installation, providing a working surface for subsequent electrical, instrumentation, piping and other majors. Each major must cooperate with each other and carry out cross-operation and flow-through operations according to process requirements and actual on-site conditions. Cooperation with owners, supervisors, supervisors, designers and other construction units

1. With the owner as the focus of attention as the primary purpose, during the construction process, if the owner is dissatisfied, we should make timely rectifications and obey the owner's unified command and arrangement;

2. Humbly accept the inspection and supervision of supervision engineers and technical supervision departments, provide convenient conditions for their inspection and inspection, and promptly correct and rectify the problems raised;

3. Work closely with the design unit, contact the design institute promptly when encountering problems during construction, and resolve them through consultation to avoid affecting the progress;

4. Cooperate and collaborate well with equipment manufacturers to eliminate defects in the equipment manufacturing process in a timely manner;

5. Cooperate well with other construction units, timely coordinate and solve problems that arise during the construction process, and provide working surfaces for other construction units in a timely manner.



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